What IS the Big Love Photoshoot?

The Big Love Photoshoot will take place one day over the 2014 summer (date TBD) starting in Seattle, WA - with the hopes that it will branch across the country! With volunteer photographers, galleries and participants, we will create a photographic art installation that will display that when we truly allow ourselves to be seen, even complete strangers can see the beauty.

How will it work?

1.) VOLUNTEER! As a photographer, to be photographed, or to offer space to host the display.
2.) Those who would like to be photographed will be asked WHY they've chosen to step away from in front of the camera, and why they want to participate now.
3.) Photographers and individuals to be photographed will be chosen and paired for a photoshoot. This is a shoot that shows the real person. At home, with family, at work, at a favorite locale. Anywhere that brings JOY.
4.) With the BLPP team, the photographer and individual will choose 4-5 photos to display.
5.) A week leading up to the showing, photos will be mounted on a surface that can be written on, and displayed. The community is invited to enjoy the photos and write their positive reactions around them.
6.) An official showing will be held, with all who took part and the community, displaying the photos of our beautiful participants and the comments of those who have seen their BIG LOVE shining through.
7.) We will all see deeper, feel deeper and love ourselves better. Feel the BIG LOVE.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


NOW is the time to stop hiding because we feel we aren't good enough for those family photos or vacation snapshots!  Your children don't see a round belly or graying hair.  Your mate doesn't see your wrinkles.  Your friends aren't judging your double chin or skinny legs. YOU are the only one who sees this.  Your family and friends see the love and joy you are giving to them.  And most likely...so does everyone else!

Frankly, I'm tired of jumping out of the frame or sucking in my gut or throwing someone in front of me to hide myself when someone brings out a camera.  I want my kids to know I was a part of these holidays and fun events, and I don't want to keep waiting until I'm the "better" version of myself.  I need to be the best version NOW.  Maybe thinner will come.  Maybe better-dressed will come.  But right now...at this moment...this is who we are.  No more hiding to protect...who??...from the way we look or feel about ourselves.  NOW, we get our confidence back.  NOW, we show that we know that we are smart and funny and weird and strong.  That we're mothers, fathers, friends, siblings, colleagues and generally WONDERFUL PEOPLE.  Filled with BIG LOVE for ourselves.  Because when we feel it, they see it.

Join the BIG LOVE PHOTOSHOOT PROJECT, and let's form a community of people who truly see all the goodness we ALL have within.

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